Nuiyak Elementary School in Sanikiluaq is addressing student hygiene with a nail club. It's called Keeping our Nails Neat club, stated Principal Janalee Slaney.
Every Thursday after school, kids can get their nails cut, cleaned and painted. Both nanicures and pedicures are free for any student at the school. The program usually lasts one hour and takes place within an empty classroom.
"They love it," said Slaney. "They come in and they soak their little hands. and then they clean up their hands. And then we paint their nails. We put moisturizer just like the spa."
After soaking, scrubbing and moisturizing their feet the students are treated to a new pair of socks. For Slaney it is a real joy to see her students showing off their new nails and socks.
"They're running up to me, 'Look, look, look!' "Their nails are out and their feet are wiggling and they're just proud of something that they had and took the initiative to come to and do."