Paul Quassa has taken a role with Baffinland Iron Mines, the company announced Thursday morning.
Quassa will serve as senior adviser to CEO Brian Penney, effective immediately.
“Mining and mineral development across Nunavut is a foundation of the Nunavut Agreement. The vision of becoming -self-sufficient’ becomes the pillar of development,” Quassa stated. “It was what we as negotiators fought to control so we could ensure Inuit benefit from resource development. Baffinland is benefiting Inuit and the affected communities through training and career opportunities and their commitment to greater opportunities with the approval of the phase two proposal. I am pleased to join the team at Baffinland and look forward to ensuring that Inuit voices continue to be at the centre of Baffinland’s decision making processes.”
Quassa resigned as Aggu MLA in August with several weeks remaining in his term. He was also premier for a brief period, president of land claims organization Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated and was a chief negotiator of Nunavut Agreement, the basis upon which Nunavut became a distinct territory.
Penney said, “Inuit perspectives have always been critical to Baffinland and Mr. Quassa brings decades of experience to our team to help us continue to ensure that Inuit play a key role in our decision making.”
Baffinland’s regulator hearings for its phase two proposal are scheduled to resume in Iqaluit on Nov. 1