Letter to the editor from:
Joe Savikataaq jr.
Mayor, Hamlet of Arviat
I am writing today to the candidates of president and vice president in advance of the Kivalliq Inuit Association elections regarding the issue of transparency, communication and accountability.
I believe when the Inuit organizations were created, it was to help the Inuit. Surely over the years that has occasionally occurred. To the candidates of president and vice-president, will you be transparent to the Inuit of Kivalliq by releasing salaries of the Kivalliq Inuit Association staff including all their benefits the same way our regular MLAs, ministers and premier have to?
Will you use your position and status for personal gain, or to assist others who may receive personal gain on services that beneficiaries who do not have the ability to access such services?
It seems like there is no accountability other than when the elections are held every four years. How will you be accountable to the Inuit of Kivalliq?
Communication should be a two-way street, not one way. When you get a question, a request, or a complaint, it should be responded to even if you cannot do what is being asked or unable to provide some advice, at minimum acknowledgement is better than not responding.
Every aspect of communication should come to a full circle. How will you communicate to the Inuit of Kivalliq?