Working remotely is the most practical option for Nunavut teachers, according to the Coalition of Nunavut DEAs (CNDEA).

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“We understand some teachers have travelled to southern Canada for various reasons, and we prefer if they would be given an option to work remotely, so that they have
the option to not travel” CNDEA chair Jedidah Merkosak stated in a news release issued Tuesday. “This is in support of the concerns raised by the mayors across Nunavut. Travel to communities should be at the absolute minimum in order to effectively manage unnecessary risk to communities.”
The CNDEA is working with educators to figure how to most effectively come up with a way to implement learning plans that would allow students, particularly Grade 12s, be able to meet standards, the organization stated.
The CNDEA is also in favour of all Nunavut schools remaining closed for the remainder of 2019-20 school year.
“During this pandemic, it’s important that we keep students, teachers, staff, families, and our communities safe” said Merkosak.
Education Minister David Joanasie said on April 17 that schools won’t reopen, but he is following through with having teachers return from the south to prepare internet and paper-based lesson plans for students. Close to 90 teachers will have to clear 14 days of isolation prior to flying back to Nunavut to reduce the risk of transmitting the Covid-19 coronavirus.
The CNDEA, created in 2006, comprises five board members elected by community DEAs and five other board members representing Iqaluit DEA, Nunavut Disabilities Makinnaqsuaqtiit Society, Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated, Commission Scolaire
Francophone du Nunavut and an emeritus member.