Is there an outstanding young person in your community who deserves recognition for their accomplishments?
The Nunavut Law Foundation welcomes nominations for the 2021-22 Upinnaqtuq Award.
A non-profit organization funded by the Law Society of Nunavut’s membership fees, the Foundation will award the 10th annual Upinnaqtuq Award to students and youths in each region across Nunavut in honour of Justice Beverly Browne, who was the first senior judge in the Nunavut Court of Justice.
Justice Browne demonstrated great leadership in the community and had a strong commitment and passion for working with youths.
The Foundation is asking community members to nominate an individual who embodies peace, leadership, and conflict resolution, or who’s made strong efforts to change his/her attitude and behaviour to become a role model. Nominations are open for students enrolled in grade six to 12 or youths between 10 to 20 years old.
“This award is intended to celebrate students as well as youth who are not in school, who have overcome unique barriers and challenges in their life,” says Nunavut Law Foundation Administrator Nalini Vaddapalli.
Nominations will be accepted from principals, teachers, student support assistants, organizations and any member of the public who is not directly related to the nominee. Community members are asked to send a letter explaining why the youth they have nominated deserves the award by Thursday, June 30, 2022.
Monetary scholarships will be given to students and youths 14 years and older; students and youths 13 years and younger will receive a gift of their choice up to a maximum amount to be determined by the Board once all applications have been received.
Once the Foundation receives all of the letters from schools, organizations and the general public, the Board members will review each nomination for selection. The Chairperson will then inform the selected recipients of the scholarship by Monday July 11, 2022.
Call (867) 979-2330 for more information, and send nomination letters to Nalini Vaddapalli at, or to P.O. Box 69, Iqaluit NU, X0A 0H0 by Thursday June 30, 2022.