The latest act of vandalism in a long-running series has left the Cambridge Bay Elders Palace in a total mess.
Vandals, believed to be under the age of 16, entered the building around 7 a.m. on July 27 and dumped a wide variety of substances, including paint, on the floors and other surfaces. Knives were left embedded in walls.
The Hamlet of Cambridge Bay posted a video of the aftermath on Facebook.
The attached message asked: “Do you know where your children are? Because if you don’t then this is what they could be up to.”
Signed by chief administrative officer Marla Limousin, the message further states that “this type of abuse is really beyond belief.”
She cited several other acts of vandalism and various crimes in the community over the past year “all caused by children”: a fire at the dump earlier in July, an attempt to break into the art studio, vandalism at Annana’s Camp, vandalism at the Heritage Park and damage to the gazebo at the river that was built for residential school survivors. She also mentioned that vandalism to private property has been increasing in Cambridge Bay.
“I saw some of the Elders cry when Annana’s camp was vandalized last summer. This should never happen,” Limousin stated on Facebook. “We cannot make the community totally vandal proof, nor can we be in all places 24/7. We cannot afford to continue to try and create nice places and have them vandalized. Parents of young people committing these terrible acts must be accountable for their children’s actions. Please spend time with your children and teach them to respect the property of others.”