Cadets attending the Whitehorse Cadet Training Centre for a summer program celebrated Nunavut's 20th birthday in the company of their fellow cadets July 9.
"The idea to celebrate Nunavut Day Came from Sergeants Neevie Kidlap

photo courtesy Warrant Officer Jeremy Kearney/Whitehorse Cadet Training Centre
ik and Lexie Anawak, who then sought adult staff support," said unit public affairs representative Captain Richard Paul Novak via email.
Kidlapik hails from Naujaat, and Anawak from Rankin Inlet.
"It was meaningful in that it is something that they usually would do back home and we acknowledged it here at the cadet training centre. All cadets regardless of home province or territory cheered," said Novak.
The training centre, according to its website, is the only permanent cadet camp North of 60, and offers challenging outdoor programs for young Canadians aged 12 to 18 years.
More than 250 Cadets attend summer training courses there in July and August, according to the site. Approximately 60 per cent are from Northern communities, while young Canadians from the southern provinces round out the troops.
"As a cadet, you develop confidence, self-discipline and leadership skills, while having fun, meeting new friends and being active in your community," said Novak.
Novak said youth from Arctic Bay, Cambridge Bay, Naujaat, and Rankin Inlet are currently at the training centre.
"After a fire drill, all the cadets from Nunavut were brought forward and the

photo courtesy Warrant Officer Jeremy Kearney/Whitehorse Cadet Training Centre
Commanding Officer, Lieutenant-Colonel McLean, wished them a happy Nunavut Day. A group photo was taken and caribou and arctic char, provided by Captain Bonita Lydon, was served," said Novak.