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Charlie Inuarak, Moses Appaqaq elected QIA community directors

Charlie Inuarak was chosen as Pond Inlet's community director for the Qikiqtani Inuit Association.
photo courtesy Elections Nunavut

Charlie Inuarak was the byelection winner in Pond Inlet while Moses Appaqaq took the byelection in Sanikiluaq on Monday as the Qikiqtani Inuit Association elected new community directors.

Inuarak collected 79 votes, outdistancing Katherina Pudluk's 52 votes and Cornelius Kadloo Nutarak's 10.

Moses Appaqaq was named on 66 ballots, giving him the victory over Mick Appaqaq (42 votes), Elijassie Kavik (39 votes), Joe Arragutainaq (14 votes) and Lucy Uppik (nine votes).

The new community directors have been elected to two-year terms.