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Moving forward with a brighter vision


It has been some time since I submitted an entry under my byline of “In My View’. I will not attempt to give an explanation other than to say, “life happens.”

A lot has happened since my last entry. I have retired from Minerals and Petroleum Resources in the Government of Nunavut. I still have a few more months as chair of the Cambridge Bay Housing Association and that has proven to be a real challenge. I have had some health issues and I hope these will be resolved over the next few weeks.

As a former underground miner, I recognize the volatility of the industry and how the change of management can disrupt operations for a short spell then the site will pick up and move forward with a brighter vision and continued success of the extraction of the ore body.

Our Northern land will continue to be quite mobile with people being transferred from one jurisdiction to another and bringing with themselves a perceived impression to transfer. Our Inuit, Metis and Inuvialuit can attest to people moving in from the south or from another region and somehow can make remarks or observations during a short stay without trying to absorb the history and development of that community. As Indigenous peoples moved in to an organized situation, the freedom of rights and movement and even a way of speaking are now scrutinized and has to be politically correct for acceptance.

But history has shown we (Indigenous people) are resilient and strong. We should not hold it against individuals who choose to assume and belittle a community who accepted them into our lives and tried to make them feel invited, comfortable and accepted. We are more than happy to share our stories with anyone who asks.

With today’s fast pace, there should be that concern by our professionals in justice, education, social development and so on to always be aware and cognizant of those who have not chosen to learn for whatever reason. A sentiment that I like to express, “Where there is no justice, there is no peace; where there is no peace, there is no justice.”