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QIA introduces family support grants of $1,500 for harvesting, groceries and sewing

The Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA) has introduced a Family Support Initiative that will provide each Qikiqtani household with a $1,500 grant to help cover costs of harvesting, sewing and the purchase of groceries during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Sewing projects will be eligible for the QIA’s Family Support Initiative. In Grise Fiord, Susie Qaunaq proudly wears a parka that her mom Liza Ningiuk made.
photo courtesy of Susie Qaunaq

The program’s fund totals $2.65 million. Applications are open until Feb. 26, or when funds are exhausted.

“The Qikiqtani Family Support Initiative provides much needed financial support to Inuit as we face the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic,” says QIA President P.J. Akeeagok. “These funds will help families harvest country food, purchase groceries including cleaning products and access supplies for sewing warm winter clothes.”

Applications can be accessed online at .

Financial support for QIA’s Covid-19 response plan comes from the federal government’s Indigenous Community Support Fund. It provided $4.3 million to the QIA, $2 million of which was allocated for an Emergency Harvester/Social-distancing on-the-land initiative that began in April.  Covid-19 Mental Health Surge Funding also plays a role in the Family Support Initiative.