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Uqqummiut — Nunavut Election 2017 candidate profiles

Incumbent Pauloosie Keyootak faces contenders Jerry Natanine and Johnathan Palluq for the Uqqummiut seat, ehich include the communities of Clyde River and Qikiqtarjuaq. Keyootak and Natanine did not respond to survey requests.

Johnathan Palluq

Johnathan Palluq
Finance director for the Hamlet of Clyde River
Clyde River
Age: 61
Family status: Married

Reason for running:

Concerns as follows:

Current Issues

  1. Article 23.1.1 of the Inuit Land Claims Agreement which refers to Inuit Employment (85 per cent) requirement within GN needs to be implemented by introducing a more aggressive recruitment program, including reintroducing the training-on-the-job programs throughout the government.
  2. IQ in parenting has to be incorporated in the early childhood education, and Inuit history has to be included in the education system as part of the curriculum.
  3. GN needs to better prepare to meet 2020, with the Inuit language being the language within the workplace.
  4. Inuit Land Claims Agreement is a binding contract, it needs to be respected.
  5. Inuit being 85 per cent of the general public, the 85 per cent representation requirement has to be respected by implementing a respect for Inuit traditional knowledge and Aboriginal rights as declared in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
  6. There is a need to set up accountability throughout the GN by changing the political structure to a party system.
  7. Issues affecting Inuit of Nunavut need to be debated more effectively and within the proper political structure.
  8. Inuit language and cultural knowledge is suppressed within the GN, it needs to be brought up to the same respect and standard as other language and culture.



  1. Plan needs to be developed to improve the community infrastructure to better comply with water licences.
  2. Nunavut government needs to provide work spaces to their staff in the smaller communities.
  3. Transportation from Clyde River to Iqaluit needs to be improved by adding more in-and-out flights.